Hi, my name is Indar Luh Sepdyanuri, and I’m a skilled designer with experience in 3D and 2D design using Autodesk Inventor. I also have extensive experience in editing using software such as Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Adobe Premiere, and Adobe After Effects. In addition, I’m proficient in using Sublime Text and Visual Studio.

Creative Multimedia

Editing Foto/Image, Banner, Poster, Brocure, Logo, Video Editing

Reverse Design

Gambar Tehnik, Design 3D, CAD, Tugas Perancangan Mesin, Tugas Akhir / Skripsi

Web Development

Buat Website untuk Pribadi, Swasta, Sekolah, Pemerintahan, Website Desa, Toko Online, CV

About ​Me

Creating With a Enthusiasm Whereas Investigating The World. 

My passion for design started at an early age, and I have been honing my skills ever since. I have worked on a variety of design projects, including product design, architectural design, and graphic design.

My expertise in 3D and 2D design has allowed me to create detailed and accurate models that meet the specification of my clients.

In addition to my design skills, I also have experience in programming and web development. I’m proficient in using Sublime Text and Visual Studio, which allows me to develop custom solutions for my clients. 

My technical skills, combined with my design expertise, make me a well-rounded designer who can take on a variety of project.

Overall, I’m a creative and driven individual who is always looking for new challenges. If you’re looking for a designer who can bring your vision to life, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

What ​Services I'm Providing​

Reverse Design

Gambar Tehnik, Design 3D, CAD, Tugas Perancangan Mesin, Tugas Akhir / Skripsi

Web Development

Buat Website untuk Pribadi, Swasta, Sekolah, Pemerintahan, Website Desa, Toko Online, CV

Creative Multimedia

Editing Foto/Image, Banner, Poster, Brocure, Logo, Video Editing

Work ​Experience

3D Design

Technical drawing design services with Autodesk Inventor for machine design, final assignments, theses, paper assignments, etc.

IT Support

Network planning and design, network installation and configuration, monitoring, network security, data backup and recovery, and network consulting and training.

Web Designer

Designing, developing and maintaining website, The appearance of your user interface can affect the user experience and the success of your website.

Training Education

Trainers, resource persons, training on village websites, schools, Bumdes, APBDes, self-capacity development through education.

Digital Marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO), Paid advertising, Content marketing, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, dan Tiktok Ads.

What I Write For My Readers

Faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan penduduk

Faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan penduduk

Pertumbuhan penduduk merupakan fenomena yang kompleks dan dinamis, dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor yang saling terkait.…

Administrasi Kependudukan: Solusi Cerdas Pengelolaan Data Desa

Administrasi Kependudukan: Solusi Cerdas Pengelolaan Data Desa

Di era digital saat ini, pengelolaan data kependudukan menjadi lebih mudah dan efisien dengan adanya…

Mengelola Data Kependudukan Desa dengan Efisien

Mengelola Data Kependudukan Desa dengan Efisien

Dalam era digital saat ini, pengelolaan data kependudukan desa menjadi tantangan yang membutuhkan solusi inovatif.…



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Pentingnya Website Desa untuk Kemajuan dan Transparansi di Indonesia

Pentingnya Website Desa untuk Kemajuan dan Transparansi…

Di era digital saat ini, keberadaan website desa tidak hanya menjadi jendela informasi, tetapi juga…

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Website Desa Berbasis Sistem Informasi Desa (SID)

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